Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where is our Sonia, Mrs Gandhi?

New government, new ministers and new policies being implemented andone of the most recent development is the women reservation bill. But even if the congress party doesn’t get much support for its women reservation bill, they will surely get tons of support for GIRLS RESERVATION in engineering institutes.
The long dreaded dreams of engineering college’s boys.
Yes the day a guy cracks the engineering entrance test, he begins to look for his girl. Visits profiles, leaves messages and then he thinks “all girls put up intelligence as their turn on in their profile, but why don’t I get one"
But what she thinks “if you were intelligent enough, you would know how to turn me on , thats what we call intelligence "

There have been lots of dispute and debate over reservation on caste (because cast and races were created by humans) but I bet there would be none if the government opts for reservation based on sex. (Because the almighty created it, and don’t blame him, he did a nice thing!)

Its time you got the girls quota in Mrs. Gandhi (you don’t know the pain because Rahul didn’t do engineering). If the ministers can have lady President, Lady Speaker and almost a lady virtual Prime Minister, we need the same here.

The success of a developing nation like India depends on the overall development of engineers. India will succeed undisputedly because of girl’s reservation. Someone (surely a lady) said behind every successful man there is a woman, but (what she didn’t knew was) to make women out of girls you need engineers mam !! Hi5 to all engineers.

The fact is very few girls make it into good engineering colleges (and the girls still don’t accept the fact that they are not good at technical studies. Girls please note- memorizing stuff in not being technical). Hi5 again guys! .Blame the system, or the exam they just can’t do it

The ones who make it through have a great misconception that they are part of the most glamorous girls group globally (G4) who has both beauty and brains. But we know the truth, and they just don’t accept it.

But no complaints Mrs. Gandhi, we give you plain logic on what we learn in engineering "Probability", with reservations there would be a higher probability of good girls and hence more successful men coming out .

If you have any queries Mrs. Gandhi you know you made a man out of the Man-mohan and he got you the Man-date. And yes you can do the same for us. Get the dices rolling, we are not greedy- any amount of reservation will do, absolutely anything. We can even give you a concession if all the incoming stuff is even fair – not greedy again.

After all it’s for the nation, and we also need some Sonia(s) for an Italian date! Hi5 Mrs. Gandhi

By- The common leaf in engineer’s diary


  1. “all girls put up intelligence as their turn on in their profile, but why don’t I get one"
    maja aaya.......sahi kaha

  2. simply LEGEN - wait for it - DARYYYYY

  3. beep beep beep...!!!
    u knw wht this means mr modi...!!

  4. seems somebody is NOT greedy!!..just proud to be an engineer. rite?

  5. hmmm.... I think Girl reservation can be done to enhance learning experience :)



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